Life and Stress
Over the past few months I have gotten quite carried away with all my work. I stopped being able to deal with my closest friends and just generally lost track of being happy. On the upside I can definitely say that I developed a whole lot of new business.
I developed my business relationship with the hotel I was doing work for to the point that they have me on retainer. It's generally good work but like all things it becomes overwhelming at times. Some nights, I have to rush in and fix problems when I would rather be in bead.
My work on OpenMEDX (the patient tracking application) has had it's ups and downs. I generally don't seem to be able to find time to work on it and this frustrates me to no ends. Out of all my projects Ifeel that it has the most potential.
Finally I've been developing ------------- and helping her with setting up- This has been a harrowing experience, though a very rewarding one.